clemsonunivlibrary: The library is fine we just need more tables & outlets.
clemsonunivlibrary: Question 24: If Clemson built you a place to study on campus, where would it be and what would it need?
clemsonunivlibrary: Where? Just above C2 in the grassy area Needs? Computers, a printer, cubbies, and complete silence and more restrooms
clemsonunivlibrary: High desks for people who like to stand and work
clemsonunivlibrary: An open space w/only beanbags and outlets on the floor and one entire wall is a window. Or a fishtank.
clemsonunivlibrary: A place with lots of small rooms for study groups. It must be in the exact center of campus.
clemsonunivlibrary: Six floor glass annex behind library - just big chairs and total QUIET I agree with the glass idea silence + desks + chairs = GOOD!
clemsonunivlibrary: Where: Somewhere near Tillman Inside: coffee/food, printers, tv's to project laptop screen, nice furniture t
clemsonunivlibrary: I vote for a rooftop study lounge!