clemsonunivlibrary: Question 19 -- Where in the Library do you expect to find quiet study space?
clemsonunivlibrary: floorplans to write on
clemsonunivlibrary: Here (x is outside the building)
clemsonunivlibrary: I thought it could be the first floor but people are just EVERYWHERE!!
clemsonunivlibrary: secret portal to Narnia studying wiht Aslan like a boss
clemsonunivlibrary: More booths
clemsonunivlibrary: Everywhere so quit moving things like CCIT in here. (It took away quiet space in an already crowded library.)
clemsonunivlibrary: Group study halls? Really?
clemsonunivlibrary: Move CCIT out of the Lib!
clemsonunivlibrary: They are the best thing EVER