clemsonunivlibrary: Question 12: If you were in charge of this library, what would you do differently here?
clemsonunivlibrary: Get rid of round tables on balcony! Too big!
clemsonunivlibrary: Tear down CCIT and replace it with something worthy of the space.
clemsonunivlibrary: Put paper towels in the 4th floor women's bathroom NOT air dryers. Yes! Then we can cut down more trees! Sometimes you need a towel!
clemsonunivlibrary: Have murals on the reading porch
clemsonunivlibrary: Pain the walls with color!
clemsonunivlibrary: Wipe down deck tables DAILY! Lots of yuk on them
clemsonunivlibrary: Better web page! (Links that work!) #cosign Yes, it's so hard to find stuff.
clemsonunivlibrary: All "Quiet" Floors! "Loud floors in a library?! Especially on the study floors? No! We need loud floors for group projects & tutoring!