clemsonunivlibrary: Cooper wants to know
clemsonunivlibrary: Tell us what you think!
clemsonunivlibrary: insufficient
clemsonunivlibrary: many words
clemsonunivlibrary: Describe the library in one word
clemsonunivlibrary: Cooper wants to know!
clemsonunivlibrary: Question 2 on the wall
clemsonunivlibrary: New popular reading books
clemsonunivlibrary: better bathrooms
clemsonunivlibrary: chairs/printing
clemsonunivlibrary: small fitness area to let out stress while studying
clemsonunivlibrary: If President Barker dumped the entire contents of Cooper Library onto the lawn...what would you ask him to bring back inside to keep?
clemsonunivlibrary: more couches
clemsonunivlibrary: the computers & more computers
clemsonunivlibrary: fax machine printers
clemsonunivlibrary: books & journals first, then computers & printers
clemsonunivlibrary: the wonderful, awesome, helpful, courteous staff of the library
clemsonunivlibrary: none of the uncomfy chairs
clemsonunivlibrary: paper, pens, tacks
clemsonunivlibrary: what does the wall say?
clemsonunivlibrary: reading the wall
clemsonunivlibrary: Question 3 answers
clemsonunivlibrary: Question 4 - Why are you in the library today?