Clementinos2009: 01 Former PKP 0-6-0 Ty3-194 Sequoia P1050522
Clementinos2009: 02 Former PKP 0-6-0 Ty3-194 Sequoia P1050523
Clementinos2009: 04 En route with former PKP 0-6-0 Ty3-194 Sequoia IMGP3989
Clementinos2009: 05 Former PKP 0-6-0 Ty3-194 Sequoia IMGP3992a
Clementinos2009: 06 ICE train on the main line, viewed while waiting for the bus to Brugg P1050523 14.56
Clementinos2009: 07 ICE train on the main line, viewed while waiting for the bus to Brugg P1050527 15.02
Clementinos2009: 08 Former PKP 0-6-0 Ty3-194 Sequoia P1050529 15.13
Clementinos2009: 09 Bahnhof Brugg P1050519
Clementinos2009: 10 Bahnhof Brugg P1050530
Clementinos2009: 11 Katholische Kirche St. Nikolaus P1050531
Clementinos2009: 12 Hauptstrasse 3, Brugg P1050532
Clementinos2009: 13 Hauptstrasse, Brugg. Peter conversing on the left... P1050533
Clementinos2009: 14 Hauptstrasse 42, birthplace of philoosopher Johann Georg Ritter von Zimmermann P1050534
Clementinos2009: 15 Clock, Brugg P1050535
Clementinos2009: 16 Schwarze Turm, Brugg P1050536
Clementinos2009: 17 Fountain, Rathausplatz P1050538
Clementinos2009: 18 Fountain, Rathausplatz P1050537a
Clementinos2009: 19 River Aare, Brugg P1050539
Clementinos2009: 20 Brugg P1050540
Clementinos2009: 21 Brugg. Peter in the distance P1050541
Clementinos2009: 22 Brugg P1050542
Clementinos2009: 23 Reformierte Stadtkirche P1050543
Clementinos2009: 24 Stapfer Primary School in Museumstrasse P1050544
Clementinos2009: 25 Reformierte Stadtkirche P1050545
Clementinos2009: 26 Vindonissa Museum (Roman history) P1050546
Clementinos2009: 27 Bahnhof Brugg P1050547
Clementinos2009: 28 Bahnhof Brugg P1050548