Clementinos2009: 00a Cathedrals Express Premier Dining Passenger Ticket London Euston-Chester img232
Clementinos2009: 00b The Cathedrals Express. London Euston to Chester. Route map img233
Clementinos2009: 00c Timing Sheeet for the Cathedrals Express London Euston-Chester. Outward journey img234
Clementinos2009: 01 London Euston P1020891 sp
Clementinos2009: 02 London Euston P1020892 sp
Clementinos2009: 03 London Euston P1020893
Clementinos2009: 04 London Euston P1020895
Clementinos2009: 05 Blast off from London Euston IMGP9788 sp
Clementinos2009: 06 Blast off from London Euston IMGP9791a sp
Clementinos2009: 07 Heading out of London IMGP9793 sp
Clementinos2009: 08 Heading out of London IMGP9795 sp
Clementinos2009: 09 Heading out of London IMGP9800a sp
Clementinos2009: 10 Heading out of London IMGP9801a
Clementinos2009: 11 Long Buckby. En route to Crewe IMGP9812
Clementinos2009: 12 Long Buckby. En route to Crewe IMGP9813
Clementinos2009: 13 Long Buckby. En route to Crewe IMGP9815 sp
Clementinos2009: 15 En route to Crewe IMGP9824
Clementinos2009: 16 En route to Crewe IMGP9825 sp
Clementinos2009: 17 Running into Crewe IMGP9827 sp
Clementinos2009: 18 Arrival at Crewe IMGP9830 sp
Clementinos2009: 19 6233 Duchess of Sutherland at Crewe P1020901 Crewe sp
Clementinos2009: 20 6233 Duchess of Sutherland at Crewe P1020902
Clementinos2009: 21 6233 Duchess of Sutherland at Crewe P1020899 sp
Clementinos2009: 22 6233 Duchess of Sutherland at Crewe P1020896 sp
Clementinos2009: 23 En route to Chester IMGP9834a
Clementinos2009: 24 En route to Chester IMGP9836a
Clementinos2009: 25 En route to Chester IMGP9838 sp
Clementinos2009: 26 En route to Chester IMGP9839
Clementinos2009: 27 6233 Duchess of Sutherland at Chester P1020903 sp
Clementinos2009: 28 6233 Duchess of Sutherland at Chester P1020907 sp