Clementinos2009: 01 Church Path, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img116a
Clementinos2009: 02 Essex Die Stamping Company, Church Path, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img117
Clementinos2009: 03 Squires Almshouses, Church Path, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img118
Clementinos2009: 04 Squires Almshouses and St. Mary's Church, Church Path, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img119
Clementinos2009: 05 Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img120
Clementinos2009: 06 Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img121
Clementinos2009: 07 Hillside, 4 Vestry Road, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img122
Clementinos2009: 08 St Mary's Infants School (1828),Walthamstow Village, London E17 img123a
Clementinos2009: 09 C Jones Family Butchers Estd 1750, Wood Street, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img124
Clementinos2009: 10 Monoux Almshouses, Church End, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img126
Clementinos2009: 11 Church End and St Mary's Church, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img127
Clementinos2009: 12 Monoux Almshouses, Church End, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img128
Clementinos2009: 13 10 Church Lane and The Ancient House from the churchyard, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img129
Clementinos2009: 14 Church End, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img130
Clementinos2009: 15 St. Mary's Church, Walthamstow, Church End, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img131
Clementinos2009: 16 St. Mary's Church, Walthamstow, Church End, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img132
Clementinos2009: 17 The Ancient House, Orford Road, Church End, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img133
Clementinos2009: 18 St. Mary's Churchyard, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img134
Clementinos2009: 19 The Ancient House, Orford Road, Church End, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img135
Clementinos2009: 20 Orford Road and The Nag's Head, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img136
Clementinos2009: 21 The Nag's Head, Orford Road, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img137
Clementinos2009: 22 11 Orford Road and The Nag's Head, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img138
Clementinos2009: 23 11 Orford Road, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img139
Clementinos2009: 24 Old Town Hall, Orford Road, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img140
Clementinos2009: 25 Orford Road, Walthamstow Village, London E17 img141