C. Matheus: Vapor machinery over Beyrouth. [expired film]
C. Matheus: Before the rocky mountains a bridge over the valley. [expired film]
C. Matheus: Going to Baalbeck through the mountainous way. [expired film]
C. Matheus: After the montain range there is always a valley. [expired film]
C. Matheus: The monument makes us feel humble [expired film]
C. Matheus: The ruins bewilder the passer-by. [expired film]
C. Matheus: Oh ye, be still. [expired film]
C. Matheus: In silece, we listen to the ruins. [expired film]
C. Matheus: No scrap of memory shall be lost. [expired film]
C. Matheus: The sun sets over the ruins as the boy wonders what all that meant. [expired film]
C. Matheus: Back in Beirut the wanderers are greeted by the city. [expired film]
C. Matheus: açúcar
C. Matheus: tha sage
C. Matheus: feast
C. Matheus: the plot
C. Matheus: the sun is always shining
C. Matheus: catch me if you can
C. Matheus: where the hell is santa?
C. Matheus: nando
C. Matheus: do not worry
C. Matheus: you reap what you sow
C. Matheus: breaking daylight (through the heart of darkness)
C. Matheus: pride and prejudice [expired film]