tom clearwood: waiting for the plane
tom clearwood: bringing out the bags
tom clearwood: Hello again Schiphol Airport
tom clearwood: High over Hudson Bay
tom clearwood: Southwest at Oakland
tom clearwood: Leafy Portland evening
tom clearwood: riot proof portland
tom clearwood: Paint out in Portland
tom clearwood: paintout in Portland
tom clearwood: portland paintout combination
tom clearwood: paintout in Portland
tom clearwood: Morrison Bridge Portland
tom clearwood: riot cop
tom clearwood: Steel Bridge, Portland
tom clearwood: heavy plate
tom clearwood: Many Bridges
tom clearwood: Portland view
tom clearwood: the bottom lines
tom clearwood: Steel Bridge, Portland
tom clearwood: man on the line
tom clearwood: service lines at the union station
tom clearwood: around the station
tom clearwood: the David Campbell memorial Portland
tom clearwood: Portland Newbuild
tom clearwood: Morrison Bridge, Portland, Oregon
tom clearwood: portland buildingsite
tom clearwood: Burnside Bridge
tom clearwood: hotel telly
tom clearwood: time to go
tom clearwood: Portland drummer