tom clearwood:
today my pictures got all wet
tom clearwood:
exposing for the highlights
tom clearwood:
winter kibble
tom clearwood:
kat at the kibble
tom clearwood:
kibble palace pictures composite
tom clearwood:
mary's posters
tom clearwood:
kibble sculpture
tom clearwood:
tree shot
tom clearwood:
tom clearwood:
kibble picsy
tom clearwood:
kibble dale
tom clearwood:
among the bananas
tom clearwood:
ruby in the kibble
tom clearwood:
hardening in the sunny intervals
tom clearwood:
stone man
tom clearwood:
banana senescense
tom clearwood:
winter sun in the kibble
tom clearwood:
concert in the kibble
tom clearwood:
cobbled kibble
tom clearwood:
kibble panorama
tom clearwood:
exhibition shot
tom clearwood:
hyndlandia and other pictures
tom clearwood:
modernist sculpture in the kibble palace
tom clearwood:
in the kibble
tom clearwood:
kibble pics
tom clearwood:
another bunch of prints hits the kibble
tom clearwood:
repairables in shed "x"
tom clearwood:
ah! that kibble feeling....
tom clearwood:
five feet by four
tom clearwood:
fabulous glasswork at the kibble