Clean Bread and Cheese Creek: Our front yard during the first blizzard
Clean Bread and Cheese Creek: Our deck during the first blizzard
Clean Bread and Cheese Creek: Our front yard during the first blizzard
Clean Bread and Cheese Creek: The dogs find out how deep the show is after the first blizzard
Clean Bread and Cheese Creek: Our front yard after the first blizzard
Clean Bread and Cheese Creek: Our front yard after the first blizzard
Clean Bread and Cheese Creek: Our side yard after the first blizzard
Clean Bread and Cheese Creek: Our side yard after the first blizzard
Clean Bread and Cheese Creek: Snow drifts blocked opeing the kitchen door after the first blizzard
Clean Bread and Cheese Creek: Our house in snow
Clean Bread and Cheese Creek: Our house in snow
Clean Bread and Cheese Creek: Our house in snow after the first blizzzard
Clean Bread and Cheese Creek: Our house in snow