Cle0patra: What do I do with 2 beds?
Cle0patra: Somewhere to read
Cle0patra: Where's the light switch?
Cle0patra: Can you find the light switch?
Cle0patra: Oh dear
Cle0patra: Suagr
Cle0patra: Panda
Cle0patra: OMG a whole shop
Cle0patra: Sky tower
Cle0patra: Tower
Cle0patra: Civic
Cle0patra: Night tower
Cle0patra: Sky Tower at night
Cle0patra: Hot or not
Cle0patra: View from my room
Cle0patra: Down below
Cle0patra: Night sky
Cle0patra: Breakfast
Cle0patra: Sponsored by chain food
Cle0patra: Dr Seuss exhibition
Cle0patra: Steaming fountain?
Cle0patra: Totem poles?
Cle0patra: On the escalator
Cle0patra: Other side of the pond
Cle0patra: Platform
Cle0patra: Now there's a destination
Cle0patra: Trees
Cle0patra: View from the other side
Cle0patra: Industrial
Cle0patra: Forest?