claytron: Lucas Oil Stadium
claytron: Lucas Oil Stadium
claytron: The innards of Lucas Oil Stadium
claytron: P1050802.JPG
claytron: Me getting ready for the big game
claytron: Lucie getting ready for the big game
claytron: Waiting to see the locker room
claytron: We're on the big screen!!
claytron: We're on the big screen!!
claytron: Lucas Oil Stadium field level
claytron: Me in the end zone
claytron: End Zone
claytron: Lucie being really impressed by Lucas Oil Stadium
claytron: Lucas Oil Stadium from the good seats
claytron: Lucas Oil Stadium
claytron: Ginormous number double zero
claytron: Giant Colts helmet
claytron: Four dollars for a bottled water, seriously?!?!
claytron: Posing at Lucas Oil Stadium
claytron: Gigantic ceiling fan
claytron: Lucas Oil Stadium
claytron: Lucas Oil Stadium
claytron: Lucas Oil Stadium
claytron: Lucas Oil Stadium
claytron: Sooo many people
claytron: Lucas Oil Stadium
claytron: Tractor Queen
claytron: Goodbye dome, thanks for the memories