claytron: Front porch before
claytron: Fireplace before
claytron: Living room before
claytron: Living room before
claytron: Dining room before
claytron: Dining room before
claytron: kitchen before
claytron: kitchen before
claytron: master bedroom before
claytron: bathroom before
claytron: living room before
claytron: P1020640.JPG
claytron: bushes
claytron: kitchen before
claytron: kitchen before
claytron: Hot Tub
claytron: Checkin out a house
claytron: Eliott tearin' the place apart already
claytron: My future second kitchen
claytron: garage before
claytron: My miniature home inspector
claytron: Junk for Goodwill
claytron: studio before
claytron: back hall before
claytron: Dirty fridge
claytron: Dirty fridge
claytron: Dirty cabinets
claytron: Lucie startled by the mess
claytron: That's dirty too
claytron: kitchen before