claytonsnatives: field trippers with Beth Chambers
claytonsnatives: Beth Chambers
claytonsnatives: Rachael at work
claytonsnatives: pouring glue
claytonsnatives: pressing in glue
claytonsnatives: Rachael at work
claytonsnatives: Rachael at work
claytonsnatives: demonstrating for the group
claytonsnatives: a mounted specimen
claytonsnatives: plant cabinet
claytonsnatives: Beth Chambers
claytonsnatives: Trillium pusillum
claytonsnatives: mounted specimens
claytonsnatives: Cypripedium kentuckiense
claytonsnatives: Thelypteris noveboracensis
claytonsnatives: Trillium sessile
claytonsnatives: Sabatia angularis and Chasmanthium latifolium
claytonsnatives: Trillium sessile
claytonsnatives: Stewartia ovata
claytonsnatives: herbarium cabinet
claytonsnatives: gluing a specimen
claytonsnatives: Beth Chambers
claytonsnatives: looking at specimens
claytonsnatives: looking at specimens
claytonsnatives: looking at specimens
claytonsnatives: looking at specimens
claytonsnatives: using the microscope
claytonsnatives: Millington greenhouse
claytonsnatives: Millington greenhouse
claytonsnatives: Gus Hall