claudy sandoval: Got our front row spot dark and early.
claudy sandoval: Painting Renny's face for the parade. We had enough waiting time
claudy sandoval: Painting Sam's face. All the news people loved their face paint.
claudy sandoval: DSCF1668
claudy sandoval: I was wondering why the arch was there.
claudy sandoval: But they had to turn off the Muni cables first.
claudy sandoval: DSCF1696
claudy sandoval: IMG_1798
claudy sandoval: IMG_1801
claudy sandoval: Looking down one way
claudy sandoval: And then looking down the other
claudy sandoval: DSCF1674
claudy sandoval: crazy face
claudy sandoval: Uriah is so happy
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claudy sandoval: DSCF1698
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claudy sandoval: DSCF1700
claudy sandoval: DSCF1702
claudy sandoval: I didn't know my camera had a panorama function!
claudy sandoval: Rally rags!
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claudy sandoval: love the wig
claudy sandoval: People climbed on this ALL DAY. And the cops would tell them to get down.
claudy sandoval: We love the Giants!
claudy sandoval: Authentic Giants fans