claustrophonic: royal palace pnomh penh
claustrophonic: pip in Cambodia
claustrophonic: lookout tower atop the wall of Angkor Thom
claustrophonic: bayon greg in angkor thom
claustrophonic: bayon in angkor thom
claustrophonic: ta prohm greg in angkor
claustrophonic: Angkor Thom Southern Gate
claustrophonic: Greg, look out for the elephants!
claustrophonic: greg's coconut: big as head
claustrophonic: pip at angkor
claustrophonic: pip at angkor
claustrophonic: Greg in Pre Rup at sunrise
claustrophonic: Greg in Pre Rup at sunrise
claustrophonic: Pip in some temple
claustrophonic: Pip at Banteay Srei
claustrophonic: Pip at Pre Rup
claustrophonic: Ta Prohm
claustrophonic: Greg at Angkor Wat
claustrophonic: Angkor Wat at sunrise
claustrophonic: greg at angkor wat
claustrophonic: no sitting angkor wat
claustrophonic: apsaras and greg
claustrophonic: Careful Elephants!
claustrophonic: angkor wat siem reap
claustrophonic: Greg bicycle Angkor
claustrophonic: greg at sunrise
claustrophonic: sunset tonle sap lake