claustrophonic: pip and ali
claustrophonic: pip bday kite fly
claustrophonic: pip birthday kite
claustrophonic: greg triangulating
claustrophonic: horse greg in shanghai
claustrophonic: greg and ali in gardens in shanghai
claustrophonic: shanghai gardens
claustrophonic: shanghai gardens
claustrophonic: jingmao tower coctails -- 87th floor
claustrophonic: grand hyatt
claustrophonic: grand hyatt
claustrophonic: no spitting!
claustrophonic: near moma
claustrophonic: greg dj gig at the hut
claustrophonic: greg pip in pudong
claustrophonic: pippa pudong kite
claustrophonic: pippa pudong kite
claustrophonic: pippa pudong kite
claustrophonic: horsehead shanghai greg
claustrophonic: ali roller disco
claustrophonic: Roller Disco!
claustrophonic: Roller Disco!
claustrophonic: Roller Disco!
claustrophonic: horse head roller disco greg
claustrophonic: street horse shanghai
claustrophonic: Baoshan district (gadget markets)
claustrophonic: pudong view
claustrophonic: Pudong view
claustrophonic: pipes shanghai