Claudia Bacher Photography: Gefülltes Gänseblümchen ♥ (Explore...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Hibiskus ♥ (2.Explore...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Wilde Küchenschelle auf 2000 ü.M. c
Claudia Bacher Photography: Kemptner Bachtobel / Wetzikon Schweiz ♥ (4.Explore...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Nelke (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: An der Maggia im Tessin, Schweiz / At the Maggia in Ticino Switzerland (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Winter (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Holz mit Eisblumen / Wood with ice flowers (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Eiszapfen an der Plessur bei Molinis GR Schweiz / Icicles on the Plessur at Molinis GR Switzerland (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Affenschlucht in Winterthur (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Katze oder Wurzelstock? / Cat or root stock? (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Sonnenuntergang am Greifensee / Sunset at Greifensee (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Dorfbach in Fällanden / Creek in Fällanden ZH Switzerland (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: An der Verzasca (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Löwenzahn beim Sonnenuntergang / Dandelion in the sunset (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: MIlchstrasse in Fatschél GR / Milky Way in Fatschél Switzerland (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Kurz vor dem nächsten Gewitter / Shortly before the next storm (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Loch Morlich, Schottland (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Strohballen, Sonnenblumen und Gewitterwolken / straw, sunflower and storm clouds (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Lupinen / Lupines ( Explored... Thank you so much ❤️)
Claudia Bacher Photography: Affenschlucht Winterthur (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Sonnenuntergang beim Nussbaum / Sunset on walnut-tree (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Vollmond / Full moon (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Sonnenuntergang / Sunset (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Sonnenaufgang am Thunersee / Sunrise at Lake Thun (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Winterkunst / Winter art (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Sonnenaufgang / Sunrise (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Gletscherhöhle / Glacier cave (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Sonnenuntergang / Sunset (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥
Claudia Bacher Photography: Sonnenuntergang am See / Sunset at the lake (Explored...thank you so much!) ♥