oshogoun: Shiitake Shrooms, Batch #3
oshogoun: Shiitake Shrooms, Batch #3
oshogoun: Shiitake Shrooms, Batch #2 + 3
oshogoun: Shiitake Shrooms, Batch #2 + 3
oshogoun: Shiitake Shrooms, Batch #2 + 3
oshogoun: Shiitake Shrooms, Batch #1 after 1st harvest
oshogoun: Shiitake Shrooms, Batch #1
oshogoun: Shiitake Shrooms, Batch #1
oshogoun: Shiitake Mushrooms, Day 8
oshogoun: Another batch, colder, darker room, Day 8
oshogoun: Shiitake mushrooms, day 8
oshogoun: Scott: is it mold? What should I do?
oshogoun: Scott: is it mold? What should I do?
oshogoun: Grey oyster mushrooms, Day 8
oshogoun: Scott, is that normal? Spores or mold?
oshogoun: New batch of shrooms
oshogoun: The shiitake are coming
oshogoun: The grey oysters are definitely coming
oshogoun: Crawford Bay Seed Swap
oshogoun: Crawford Bay Seed Swap
oshogoun: Scott the Mushroom Man was there.
oshogoun: Crawford Bay Seed Swap
oshogoun: Crawford Bay Seed Swap
oshogoun: The Runts reminded me about Phosphate levels