oshogoun: Yup, Old Bone Rattler on the Drive.
oshogoun: 20 minutes after the tour of the guitar rooms in the Tom Lee Music store
oshogoun: Neil, here is a steal
oshogoun: Between stone thighs Buddha salutes
oshogoun: Bouddha will not answer.
oshogoun: Was it hardboiled?
oshogoun: Maybe the butler did it.
oshogoun: I will never know.
oshogoun: How the egg landed here
oshogoun: Locked, stock and barrel
oshogoun: Locked, stock and barrel
oshogoun: Locked, stock and barrel
oshogoun: Locked, stock and barrel
oshogoun: Locked, stock and barrel
oshogoun: Locked, stock and barrel