classic perfection:
Yesterday ended, last night!
classic perfection:
keep your eye on the ball
classic perfection:
Red hot
classic perfection:
If us women paid them as much attention as the guys do then maybe breast cancer would be a thing of the past!
classic perfection:
Odd... well, everyone can be sometimes can't they?!?!
classic perfection:
A little bit of sunshine just for you
classic perfection:
The look of love
classic perfection:
You will never know how much I love you!
classic perfection:
The long and winding path of friendship. May it never end!
classic perfection:
Not a lover!
classic perfection:
Cobalt Curves
classic perfection:
classic perfection:
Who's the Daddy!
classic perfection:
A juicy pair!
classic perfection:
It's beginning to feel a lot like christmas :)
classic perfection:
When beauty simply reaches out and touches you.