pretty in pixels:
Re-upload and re-edited
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"You know you're getting old when people start telling you how young you look"
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Trespassers Will Be Shot, Survivors Will Be Shot Again
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"and you thought your day was unproductive"
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"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." Coco Chanel
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"I never cared for fashion much, amusing little seams and witty little pleats: it was the girls I liked." David Bailey
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"Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future." Coco Chanel
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Smooth Operator
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Corporations Can Still Be Beautiful
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Time Destroys All Things
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"Two of the most frustrated trades are dentists and photographers- dentists because they want to be doctors, and photographers because they want to be painters" Pablo Picasso
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“The way to a man's heart is through his stomach...just make sure you thrust upward through his ribcage.” Stephen Colbert
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This Is Me Expressing My Inner 17 Year Old Girl, Disguised As a Cindy Sherman Homage
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Portrait Of A Man I Met On The Steet Who I Might Make A Film With
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The Anniversary
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Time destroys all things
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Portrait of My Father In His Happy Place
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Portrait of Alexandra
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Alex Ake
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Silly self portrait with Zenit E
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Bryan Ferry- Glasgow SECC
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Time Destroys All Things- Outtake
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International Mince Pie
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Portrait Of Fran Naked On My Sofa
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Alex Test
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