clarkbw: bus ride to Jaipur
clarkbw: bus ride to Jaipur
clarkbw: Pit Stop
clarkbw: Roof Top Restaurant in Taj Ganj
clarkbw: Taj View
clarkbw: Taj at night
clarkbw: Fancy Road
clarkbw: Palace Bar
clarkbw: How Abe Sleeps
clarkbw: Entrance to the Taj
clarkbw: Taj Mahal from entrance
clarkbw: Taj Mahal
clarkbw: Taj Mahal
clarkbw: Taj Mahal
clarkbw: Taj Mahal
clarkbw: Floor of the Taj
clarkbw: Left side of the Taj
clarkbw: Rear left tower of the Taj
clarkbw: Chris and Abe
clarkbw: Chris and Abe
clarkbw: Read left Tower
clarkbw: Central Jalma Institute for Leprosy
clarkbw: Horny Monkeys
clarkbw: Abe inside the fort
clarkbw: Abe inside the fort
clarkbw: everyone looking down
clarkbw: abe
clarkbw: dusting the halways
clarkbw: entrance
clarkbw: guys leaving