Clark Photog:
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richard branson Kenyan Spot
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Living High & Large
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Hanging Bed (Interesting use of space)
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1950 Vision of the Future
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Proposed NYC Apartment Complex
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17th Century Wooden Church of the Transfigration Russia
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From Ayana's Garden
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(Near) Beach House
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South Beach Tanzania: beach house
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Living Large: Married to a Ride
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South Beach Tanzania: Beach House
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New MacBooks!
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Geza Tanzania
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Nice Spot
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Cool Stairs and Floor of Cool Little House
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Gifford Horace METROPOLIS
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South Beach Residences
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Townson MD: The Mall
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South Beach Tanzania: House
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Very Cool!
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Zanzibar: Dave's Dinning Room
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Cool Little House
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Los Angeles: the Disney Complex
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South Beach Tanzania: Mohamed
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Mikadi Beach Tanzania: Recycled Tire
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Los Angles: The Disney Complex
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Dar es Salaam: My Garden
Clark Photog:
South Beach Tanzania: House