Clark Photog:
Very Cool: Toilet & Sink Combo
Clark Photog:
Clark Photog:
Very Cool: Smart Watch!
Clark Photog:
Kinyerezi TZ: My Audio Visual Equipment
Clark Photog:
Blackmagic Cinema Camera
Clark Photog:
Clark Photog:
Lica Special
Clark Photog:
Very Cool Chair
Clark Photog:
Richmond VA: Jerry's Plainner
Clark Photog:
Sony NEX-7 Has finally arrived!
Clark Photog:
Clark Photog:
Dar es Salaam: The Black Tomato ($800)
Clark Photog:
Dar es Salaam: The Black Tomato
Clark Photog:
New MacBooks!
Clark Photog:
Canon EOS Mirrorless
Clark Photog:
Wish List
Clark Photog:
Lady Gaga's Shoe
Clark Photog:
iPhone Accessory
Clark Photog:
iPhone Mini (Why?)
Clark Photog:
Peugeot Piano: Very Cool!
Clark Photog:
My Wife and My Brother
Clark Photog:
All God’s Children Got Shoes
Clark Photog:
Clark Photog:
Very Cool Design!
Clark Photog:
Virtu Ti Phone $10,000
Clark Photog:
The Zulfiqar: The Sword of Inman Ali
Clark Photog:
Instagram Camera by Socialmatic & Polaroid
Clark Photog:
Eisenstaedt 's Leica
Clark Photog:
Baltimore MD
Clark Photog:
The Best