Tony Withers photography: Braving storm Eunice at Broadstairs, Kent 9332
Tony Withers photography: Braving storm Eunice at Broadstairs, Kent9361
Tony Withers photography: Braving storm Eunice at Broadstairs, Kent 9369
Tony Withers photography: Braving the storm, Broadstairs 9397
Tony Withers photography: Braving storm Eunice at Broadstairs, Kent TWP9400
Tony Withers photography: Braving storm Eunice at Broadstairs, Kent 9403
Tony Withers photography: Broadstairs harbour, high water storm Eunice 9404
Tony Withers photography: Braving storm Eunice at Broadstairs, Kent 9405
Tony Withers photography: Braving storm Eunice at Broadstairs, Kent 9410
Tony Withers photography: Bandstand, Broadstairs, Kent 9412
Tony Withers photography: Cormorants battling storm Eunice, Kent 9414
Tony Withers photography: Wave watchers, storm Eunice, Viking Bay, Broadstairs, Kent 9429a
Tony Withers photography: Sandbags during storm Eunice, Broadstairs, Kent 9431
Tony Withers photography: Broadstairs Harbour 9433
Tony Withers photography: Wave watcher, Broadstairs, Kent TWP9445
Tony Withers photography: Broadstairs Harbour, Kent TWP9452
Tony Withers photography: Boats at Broadstairs harbour during storm Eunice 9456
Tony Withers photography: Adam Wade in the wind 9459
Tony Withers photography: Adam Wade 9461
Tony Withers photography: Wave watchers at Broadstairs harbour during storm Eunice TWP9481
Tony Withers photography: Boat at Broadstairs harbour during storm Eunice 9493