clared23: entrance to Dachau Memorial Site
clared23: Dachau Concentration Camp - the Jourhaus, or main entrance
clared23: gate through which all prisoners entered
clared23: it says "work makes you free"
clared23: Dachau Memorial sculpture
clared23: Dachau Memorial sculpture
clared23: Dachau Memorial sculpture
clared23: Dachau Memorial sculpture
clared23: Dachau gaurd tower
clared23: perimeter security wall with barbed wire
clared23: Dachau Concentration Camp - barbed wire fence
clared23: trenches in front of the fences
clared23: barbed wire at Dachau
clared23: reconstructed barracks at Dachau - these were their beds
clared23: reconstructed barracks at Dachau - these were their beds
clared23: bathrooms at Dachau
clared23: photo at Dachau
clared23: the camp was basically destroyed, but these rectangles represent where each of the 34 barracks once stood
clared23: barrack 7
clared23: trenches in front of the fences
clared23: Monument to the Unknown Prisoner
clared23: the infamous "showers"
clared23: inside the krematorium
clared23: inside the gas chamber
clared23: wall at the end of the sculpture area