clareh61: "Don't you want to ride...."
clareh61: " my beautiful balloon"
clareh61: Hot Air Balloon
clareh61: Hot Air Balloon
clareh61: One lands at Mitchell Farm
clareh61: One lands at Mitchell Farm
clareh61: This one stayed in this area...
clareh61: One lands at Mitchell Farm
clareh61: This one landed in a field at another farm
clareh61: This one landed in a field at another farm
clareh61: One lands at Mitchell Farm...the boyz want a closer look
clareh61: One lands at Mitchell Farm
clareh61: It starts getting smaller....
clareh61: and smaller....
clareh61: and smaller....
clareh61: and smaller....
clareh61: and smaller....
clareh61: This one stayed in this area...
clareh61: Deflation near completion
clareh61: Deflation near completion
clareh61: Close up of balloon during deflation.
clareh61: Close up of balloon during deflation.
clareh61: This looks like.....
clareh61: it is!!....Horse Manure!!!
clareh61: Deer tracks
clareh61: Deer Tracks
clareh61: Canine (not sure if dog or coyote, yes there are coyotes in CT) tracks
clareh61: The ground waves "Hello!"
clareh61: The rainbow balloon still keeping its position
clareh61: The rainbow balloon still keeping its position