clareh61: "Megz! I just met Elijah Wood!"
clareh61: Setting up the first shot.
clareh61: Our new friends Raymond & Ann
clareh61: Balloons...they were everywhere!
clareh61: Fellow extras waiting during a set up
clareh61: Eugene Hutz and the "happy couple"
clareh61: the main wedding table
clareh61: yum....prop food
clareh61: those dancing feet!
clareh61: the band jams during set up
clareh61: finishing touches
clareh61: pretty prop
clareh61: obviously this "American Wedding" was very expensive
clareh61: wedding party waiting
clareh61: Eugene Hutz and the "happy couple"
clareh61: Sergey does his thing
clareh61: waiting....a recurring theme
clareh61: everywhere, I tell you!
clareh61: Balloons attacking a small child....
clareh61: waiting....a recurring theme
clareh61: Band jam
clareh61: passing time on the dance floor
clareh61: Ed (N1YLN) dance partner :)
clareh61: rigging
clareh61: Sergey rehearses
clareh61: Kevin the DP
clareh61: Grant the Director
clareh61: Ed & the band
clareh61: the band
clareh61: Eugene passes time between takes