Clare Chick: Willow weaving workshop at Aqualate Mere - Jayne planting a pole
Clare Chick: IMG_1251
Clare Chick: Using a post driver on the end posts
Clare Chick: Willow weaving workshop - Jayne hangs off a post to try to plant it firmly
Clare Chick: IMG_1264
Clare Chick: Willow weaving workshop - Jayne planting the next post
Clare Chick: Willow weaving workshop
Clare Chick: Willow-weaving workshop - starting to weave a hurdle
Clare Chick: Willow weaving workshop - Cathy, Jayne and me with our snails
Clare Chick: Jayne weaving the hurdle - doing very well, considering we thought we were going to make baskets
Clare Chick: Brian the willow snail, goes native
Clare Chick: Our willow hurdle starts to look a bit more like a hurdle
Clare Chick: Brian the snail or as Tony snorted: "You spent the whole day making THAT?"