Clare Forster:
Saying hello .. or was it "stay away"
Clare Forster:
Ibis flying overhead
Clare Forster:
Northern Cardinal? Best I could do
Clare Forster:
Gianni and Andrea
Clare Forster:
Gynastic jump
Clare Forster:
Jump time
Clare Forster:
Synchronised jumping
Clare Forster:
Clare Forster:
Nick with Jake the dog cooling off
Clare Forster:
White Ibis overhead
Clare Forster:
Clare Forster:
Clare Forster:
Anthony and Jaxon enjoying swim time
Clare Forster:
All the boys enjoying a swim
Clare Forster:
Andrea relaxing after her bridal shower
Clare Forster:
Clare Forster:
The boys will be boys!
Clare Forster:
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Nick and Jaxon
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Abby and Vicki
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Anthony Jaxon Vicki and Tony
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Christopher and Abby
Clare Forster:
Vicki and Gianni
Clare Forster:
Jaxon and Anthony
Clare Forster:
Vicki and Andrea
Clare Forster:
The Bridal Shower party
Clare Forster:
The Bridal Shower Party
Clare Forster:
Abby and Andrea
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Wedding colours
Clare Forster:
Bridal Shower Bonnet