Sharon Mollerus:
Daisies, North Garden, Art Institute of Chicago
Sharon Mollerus:
North Garden, Art Institute of Chicago
Sharon Mollerus:
Spring, North Garden, Art Institute of Chicago (5/13/2017)
Sharon Mollerus:
Purple Blooms, North Garden, Art Institute of Chicago
Sharon Mollerus:
North Garden, Art Institute of Chicago
Sharon Mollerus:
Blue Flowers, North Garden, Art Institute of Chicago
Sharon Mollerus:
Daffodil, North Garden, Art Institute of Chicago
Sharon Mollerus:
Statue of Bacchus and Pan, c 2nd century AD, Roman, Marble, AIC
Sharon Mollerus:
Statue of Bacchus and Pan (detail), c 2nd century AD, Roman, Marble, AIC
Sharon Mollerus:
Statue of Pan, Roman, 1st c AD, Marble, AIC
Sharon Mollerus:
Torso of a Roman Emperor, Roman, late 1st early 2nd c AD, Marble, AIC
Sharon Mollerus:
Head of Hercules, c 1st C AD, Marble, AIC
Sharon Mollerus:
Relief of a Falling Warrior, Roman, 2nd c AD, Marble, AIC
Sharon Mollerus:
Icon of the Virgin of Tenderness, Post-Byzantine, Crete, c 1500
Sharon Mollerus:
Mosaic Fragment with Ostrich, Stag, and Rooster, Byzantine, northern Syrai, 450-500, Stone in mortar, AIC
Sharon Mollerus:
Mosaic Pavement Fragment, Rome, 2nd century AD, AIC
Sharon Mollerus:
Portrait Bust of Marcus Aurelius, AD 170-80, Roman, Marble, AIC
Sharon Mollerus:
Roman, Statue of a Ram, early 1st C AD, Marble, AIC
Sharon Mollerus:
Attributed to the Perrone-Phrixos Group, Greek, Fish Plate, 340/320 B.C. 5/13/17 #artinstitutechi #ceramics
Sharon Mollerus:
Figure of a Youth from a Funeral Stele, Athens, c 380BC, Marble 5/13/17 #artinstitutechi #artmuseum
Sharon Mollerus:
Drawing at the Art Institute of Chicago 5/13/17 #artinstitutechi #artmuseum
Sharon Mollerus:
Marino Marini, Horse and Rider, Bronze, c 1947 11/12/17 #artinstitutechi #sculpture
Sharon Mollerus:
Jean Dubuffet, Supervielle, Large Banner Portrait, 1945 11/12/17 #artinstitutechi
Sharon Mollerus:
Francis Picabia, Painting of Madame X, 1927-30 11/12/17 #artinstitutechi
Sharon Mollerus:
Victor Brauner, Gemini, 1938 11/12/17 #artinstitutechi
Sharon Mollerus:
Pablo Picasso, Abstraction: Background with Blue Cloudy Sky, 1930 11/12/17 #artinstitutechi
Sharon Mollerus:
Max Ernst, The Blue Forest, 1925 11/12/17 #artinstitutechi
Sharon Mollerus:
Max Ernst, Summer Night in Arizona, 1944 11/12/17 #artinstitutechi
Sharon Mollerus:
Henry Moore, Sculpture, 1935 11/12/17 #artinstitutechi
Sharon Mollerus:
Constantin Brâncusi, Leda, about 1920, Marble on concrete base 11/12/17 #artinstitutechi #sculpture