capitodeneuve: the truck!
capitodeneuve: the bar
capitodeneuve: hip hop label had our space the night before
capitodeneuve: getting ready. looking sharp (ish)
capitodeneuve: randy, our stage manager
capitodeneuve: putting up the banner
capitodeneuve: hawnay troof
capitodeneuve: hawnay troof
capitodeneuve: hawnay troof
capitodeneuve: hawnay troof
capitodeneuve: new suit!
capitodeneuve: hawnay troof
capitodeneuve: Soiled mattress and the springs
capitodeneuve: Soiled mattress and the springs
capitodeneuve: Soiled mattress and the springs
capitodeneuve: Soiled mattress and the springs
capitodeneuve: Soiled mattress and the springs
capitodeneuve: Soiled mattress and the springs
capitodeneuve: Soiled mattress and the springs
capitodeneuve: Chris and Luke
capitodeneuve: Chris, Julie and Capsule