capitodeneuve: Kinkos in Austin
capitodeneuve: blu tack dude
capitodeneuve: posters
capitodeneuve: running taco
capitodeneuve: chris and luke on sixth
capitodeneuve: alien in a garden
capitodeneuve: will work for peace
capitodeneuve: electric cars look crap
capitodeneuve: whole foods!
capitodeneuve: no more plaid
capitodeneuve: horsey love
capitodeneuve: more posters
capitodeneuve: deer processing
capitodeneuve: south austin
capitodeneuve: john maus record in stores!
capitodeneuve: austin mortuary
capitodeneuve: bat watching
capitodeneuve: other bat watchers
capitodeneuve: a real life bat!
capitodeneuve: texas delicacy
capitodeneuve: too much lime in it?
capitodeneuve: habana backyard - our venue to be
capitodeneuve: stuffed bat
capitodeneuve: Videohippos
capitodeneuve: Assembled