capitodeneuve: Hands on Heads Tour vehicle
capitodeneuve: Birmingham
capitodeneuve: Self explanatory
capitodeneuve: Chukka and Tanith
capitodeneuve: Food in the Midlands
capitodeneuve: Getting a bit meta
capitodeneuve: Love this one
capitodeneuve: Selfridges
capitodeneuve: I crush your head
capitodeneuve: The beach in Birmingham
capitodeneuve: Pre show shenanigans
capitodeneuve: More pre show shenanigans
capitodeneuve: Tanith and VC
capitodeneuve: Even more
capitodeneuve: arriving at 30 Windsor Road
capitodeneuve: Xmas tree
capitodeneuve: In the garden
capitodeneuve: Sophie rustled up a baby
capitodeneuve: Crazy ornament (bong?)