CLAIREissa: Waiting for the Tram
CLAIREissa: Cool? Yeah, no.
CLAIREissa: The Gang
CLAIREissa: Mickey in the Band
CLAIREissa: Healthy Snacks!!
CLAIREissa: Main Street Decorations
CLAIREissa: Astro Orbitor
CLAIREissa: Father and Son
CLAIREissa: Firing Line
CLAIREissa: Spider Spaceship Thingy
CLAIREissa: Deadly Duo
CLAIREissa: Mother and Daughter
CLAIREissa: It's Small World O'Clock
CLAIREissa: Princesses, Princesses, Princesses
CLAIREissa: Right Back at Ya
CLAIREissa: Waiting in Line
CLAIREissa: Santa Smile
CLAIREissa: Magic Carpet
CLAIREissa: Happy Jester
CLAIREissa: Under the Smile
CLAIREissa: Small World Decor
CLAIREissa: Choir
CLAIREissa: Happy
CLAIREissa: Thread
CLAIREissa: Green and Gold
CLAIREissa: Lion Cub and Wart Hog...weren't they in some movie?
CLAIREissa: Hula Chicks
CLAIREissa: Happy Holidays
CLAIREissa: Deck the Halls