CEThompson: Deer shadows
CEThompson: Winding winter path
CEThompson: Cutting it close on day 3
CEThompson: Mobile
CEThompson: Getting ready to go on air
CEThompson: Bike light?
CEThompson: Creek with snow and ice.
CEThompson: Sign of the times.
CEThompson: Shower rod
CEThompson: Perspective
CEThompson: Black widow in winter
CEThompson: Creek in winter
CEThompson: Frosty door
CEThompson: Glass containers
CEThompson: Water droplets on the railing
CEThompson: Tulip light
CEThompson: Proclamation
CEThompson: Retaining wall
CEThompson: Shadow
CEThompson: Security mirror
CEThompson: Roots
CEThompson: Late afternoon cliffs and creek
CEThompson: Crescent moon
CEThompson: Hot dogs to lobster tails
CEThompson: Fabrics. Textures.
CEThompson: Clock
CEThompson: Trees, rocks, leaves, creek.
CEThompson: Stamping for the radio
CEThompson: Looks blurry but it’s not
CEThompson: Fresh ice