Clairance: Millennium Bridge (4)
Clairance: Millennium Bridge (3)
Clairance: Millennium Bridge (2)
Clairance: Millennium Bridge (1)
Clairance: South Bank Lion
Clairance: Square peg
Clairance: Incognito
Clairance: How Spiderman avoids the congestion charge
Clairance: En garde!
Clairance: Railings
Clairance: Across the Thames
Clairance: Something along those lines
Clairance: National Film Theatre
Clairance: Mind the step
Clairance: Blue Fin
Clairance: Zemran
Clairance: Out there
Clairance: Tate Modern
Clairance: Window display
Clairance: Windows
Clairance: Jaded
Clairance: Houses of Parliament
Clairance: Bike Park
Clairance: 'The Dance'
Clairance: Sunlight on the water