clagnut: Dallas airport in the snow
clagnut: Coffee in Halcyon
clagnut: Alun, Paul and Azlan
clagnut: Mac round table
clagnut: Niqui and Paul in the petting zoo
clagnut: Paul enjoying a donkey
clagnut: Petting zoo
clagnut: Aral enjoying a deer
clagnut: Snickers waiting to be deep fried
clagnut: Curly sweet potato fries with deep fried cheese
clagnut: Rodeo sky
clagnut: Waiting for Whiplash
clagnut: Wind turbine
clagnut: Tornado clouds
clagnut: Hilarity
clagnut: Whiplash the sheepdog-riding monkey
clagnut: Hot Beef Sundae
clagnut: Sunset at the Rodeo
clagnut: Rodeo!
clagnut: Pourable Mustard
clagnut: Andy, Paul, Alun, Ben and Ian
clagnut: Paul, Simon, Natalie, Andy and Paul
clagnut: Andy, Paul, Alun and Ben
clagnut: Who dropped one?
clagnut: Dustin and camera
clagnut: Paul and Marcus
clagnut: Wireframing in a Web 2.0 World
clagnut: Jeremy, Ian and Josh
clagnut: James
clagnut: Rigers