Cladoniophile: Colurella hindenburgi cf., ex Sphagnum rubellum, Loch na Creige, Aberfeldy, Perthshire, coll 27xii2023, lorica 57 x 29microns Phase contrast 028
Cladoniophile: Colurella hindenburgi cf., ex Sphagnum rubellum, Loch na Creige, Aberfeldy, Perthshire, coll 27xii2023, lorica 57 x 29microns Phase contrast 018
Cladoniophile: Colurella hindenburgi cf., ex Sphagnum rubellum, Loch na Creige, Aberfeldy, Perthshire, coll 27xii2023, lorica 57 x 29microns, Phase contrast x630 stacked 051
Cladoniophile: Colurella hindenburgi cf., ex Sphagnum rubellum, Loch na Creige, Aberfeldy, Perthshire, coll 27xii2023, lorica 57 x 29microns Phase contrast stacked 043
Cladoniophile: Nematode, ex Sphagnum in cultivation, Lindholme, Yorkshire Brightfield 0010
Cladoniophile: Tardigrade cast skin containing its eggs, from waterside debris, R Tay, Birnam Path, Perthshire x200 brightfield 0012-2
Cladoniophile: Tardigrade cast skin containing its eggs, from waterside debris, R Tay, Birnam Path, Perthshire x200 brightfield 0012
Cladoniophile: Tardigrade cast skin containing its eggs, from waterside debris, R Tay, Birnam Path, Perthshire x00 phase stacked 0011
Cladoniophile: Tardigrade cast skin containing its eggs, from waterside debris, R Tay, Birnam Path, Perthshire x200 phase 001
Cladoniophile: Tardigrade, from waterside debris, R Tay, Birnam Path, Perthshire x400 brightfield 0029-2
Cladoniophile: Tardigrade, from waterside debris, R Tay, Birnam Path, Perthshire x400 brightfield 0029
Cladoniophile: Tardigrade ex Tortula muralis, garden wall, Strawberry Hill, Bedfordshire 0002
Cladoniophile: Tardigrade ex Tortula muralis, garden wall, Strawberry Hill, Bedfordshire 0003
Cladoniophile: Tardigrade ex Tortula muralis moss, garden wall, Strawberry Hill, Bedfordshire sp. 2, 0001
Cladoniophile: Tardigrade ex Tortula muralis, garden wall, Strawberry Hill, Bedfordshire sp. 2, 0002
Cladoniophile: Philodinavus paradoxus cf., bdelloid rotifer, washed from pleurocarp moss on rock, Fungarth Hill, Loch of Lowes, Perthshire 0002
Cladoniophile: Philodinavus paradoxus cf., bdelloid rotifer, washed from pleurocarp moss on rock, Fungarth Hill, Loch of Lowes, Perthshire 0001
Cladoniophile: Philodinavus paradoxus cf., bdelloid rotifer, washed from pleurocarp moss on rock, Fungarth Hill, Loch of Lowes, Perthshire 0006
Cladoniophile: Philodinavus paradoxus cf., bdelloid rotifer, washed from pleurocarp moss on rock, Fungarth Hill, Loch of Lowes, Perthshire 0004
Cladoniophile: Philodinavus paradoxus cf., bdelloid rotifer, washed from pleurocarp moss on rock, Fungarth Hill, Loch of Lowes, Perthshire 0013
Cladoniophile: Philodinavus paradoxus cf., bdelloid rotifer, washed from pleurocarp moss on rock, Fungarth Hill, Loch of Lowes, Perthshire 0014
Cladoniophile: Rotifer, among beech litter in large rot hole in tree, Birnam Path, by R Tay, Perthshire. x400 phase 0001
Cladoniophile: Rotifer, among beech litter in large rot hole in tree, Birnam Path, by R Tay, Perthshire. x400 brightfield0004
Cladoniophile: Rotifer, among beech litter in large rot hole in tree, Birnam Path, by R Tay, Perthshire. x400 brightfield stacked 0017
Cladoniophile: Rotifer, showing feeding currents, from pleurocarp moss on rock in larch wood, between Scotston and Aberfeldy, Perthshire x200 phase,
Cladoniophile: Rotifer on edge of Sphagnum rubellum leaf, from wet heath just S of Loch na Creige, Aberfeldy, Perthshire x100 phase
Cladoniophile: Platyias quadricornis, a swimming rotifer, ex filamentous algae in wooded pond, Strawberry Hill, Bedfordshire 0001
Cladoniophile: Platyias quadricornis, a swimming rotifer, ex filamentous algae in wooded pond, Strawberry Hill, Bedfordshire 0003
Cladoniophile: Platyias quadricornis, a swimming rotifer, ex filamentous algae in wooded pond, Strawberry Hill, Bedfordshire 0005
Cladoniophile: Platyias quadricornis, a swimming rotifer, ex filamentous algae in wooded pond, Strawberry Hill, Bedfordshire 0002