Cladoniophile: Heath Rush, Juncus squarrosus, seeds, Stone Haggs, Arnergate Quarry, Low Blakey Moor, Rosedale, North York Moors DSC_5894
Cladoniophile: Heath Rush, Juncus squarrosus, seeds, Stone Haggs, Arnergate Quarry, Low Blakey Moor, Rosedale, North York Moors DSC_5893
Cladoniophile: Fox Sedge, Carex vulpina, green lane near Fishlake, Yorkshire DSC_4142
Cladoniophile: Fox Sedge, Carex vulpina, green lane near Fishlake, Yorkshire DSC_4147
Cladoniophile: Psyllid gall, Livia juncorum, on Bulbous Rush, Juncus bulbosus,, Thorne Moors, Yorkshire, northern canals DSC_4089
Cladoniophile: Psyllid gall, Livia juncorum, on Bulbous Rush, Juncus bulbosus,, Thorne Moors, Yorkshire, northern canals DSC_4088
Cladoniophile: Jointed Rush, Juncus articulatus flowers, Crowle Moors northern nature reserve, Lincolnshire DSC_5973
Cladoniophile: Jointed Rush, Juncus articulatus flowers, Crowle Moors northern nature reserve, Lincolnshire DSC_5972
Cladoniophile: Heath Rush, Juncus squarrosus, Stone Haggs, Arnergate Quarry, Low Blakey Moor, Rosedale, North York Moors DSC_5885
Cladoniophile: Heath Rush, Juncus squarrosus, Stone Haggs, Arnergate Quarry, Low Blakey Moor, Rosedale, North York Moors DSC_5887
Cladoniophile: Heath Rush, Juncus squarrosus, Stone Haggs, Arnergate Quarry, Low Blakey Moor, Rosedale, North York Moors DSC_5896
Cladoniophile: Heath Rush, Juncus squarrosus, Stone Haggs, Arnergate Quarry, Low Blakey Moor, Rosedale, North York Moors DSC_5886
Cladoniophile: Heath Rush, Juncus squarrosus, Stone Haggs, Arnergate Quarry, Low Blakey Moor, Rosedale, North York Moors DSC_5897
Cladoniophile: Heath Rush, Juncus squarrosus, Stone Haggs, Arnergate Quarry, Low Blakey Moor, Rosedale, North York Moors DSC_5890
Cladoniophile: Heath Rush, Juncus squarrosus, Stone Haggs, Arnergate Quarry, Low Blakey Moor, Rosedale, North York Moors DSC_5888
Cladoniophile: Heath Rush, Juncus squarrosus, Stone Haggs, Arnergate Quarry, Low Blakey Moor, Rosedale, North York Moors DSC_5898
Cladoniophile: Saltmarsh Rush, Juncus gerardii, Lindisfarne, Northumberland DSC_4966
Cladoniophile: Saltmarsh Rush, Juncus gerardii, Lindisfarne, Northumberland DSC_4967
Cladoniophile: Saltmarsh Rush, Juncus gerardii, Lindisfarne, Northumberland DSC_4969
Cladoniophile: Long-bracted Sedge, Carex extensa, and Saltmarsh Rush, Juncus gerardii, Lindisfarne, Northumberland DSC_4971
Cladoniophile: Heath Rush, Juncus squarrosus, Wharfedale, Yorkshire DSC_2505-1
Cladoniophile: Heath Rush, Juncus squarrosus, Wharfedale, Yorkshire DSC_2505
Cladoniophile: Eleocharis palustris Poulnabrone Portal Tomb DSC_0165
Cladoniophile: Lesser Marshwort, Apium inundatum, Market Weston Fen Nature Reserve, Suffolk DSC_1631
Cladoniophile: Juncus articulatus, Jointed Rush, pith septa in leaf, Crowle Moors, Lincolnshire DSC_9982
Cladoniophile: Juncus articulatus, Jointed Rush, mature fruits, Crowle Moors, Lincolnshire DSC_9980
Cladoniophile: Cock's-foot Grass with gall, perhaps eelworm, Anguina sp., edge of Oaks Wood, Cambourne, Cambridgeshire DSC_4068
Cladoniophile: Slender Club-rush, Isolepis cernua, south of airport, Alderney DSC_2510
Cladoniophile: Slender Club-rush, Isolepis cernua, south of airport, Alderney DSC_2539
Cladoniophile: Slender Club-rush, Isolepis cernua, south of airport, Alderney DSC_2538