Cladoniophile: Cladonia uncialis subsp. biuncialis (thick, swollen podetia) with C. portentosa (thin and highly branched) around it, Langstrothdale, east of DoddFell, north of Oughtershaw, Yorkshire Dales DSC_7700
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, Langstrothdale, east of DoddFell, north of Oughtershaw, Yorkshire Dales DSC_7698
Cladoniophile: Cladonia uncialis subsp. biuncialis (thick, swollen podetia) with C. portentosa (thin and highly branched) around it,
Cladoniophile: Cladonia cervicornis subsp. verticillata, with C. gracilis (left) and C. portentosa (behind), Thetford Warren Lodge, 14iii2009 DSC_0247
Cladoniophile: Cladonia cervicornis subsp. verticillata, with C. portentosa, Thetford Warren Lodge, 14iii2009 DSC_0216
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, swollen form, Thetford Warren Lodge, 14iii2009 DSC_0192
Cladoniophile: Cladonia cervicornis subsp. verticillata, with C. portentosa, Thetford Warren Lodge, 14iii2009 DSC_0230
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, Blakey Lane, north of Hutton le Hole, North York Moors DSC_5836
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, growing among bilberry, Vaccinium myrtillus, Blakey Lane, north of Hutton le Hole, North York Moors DSC_5833
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, growing among bilberry, Vaccinium myrtillus, Blakey Lane, north of Hutton le Hole, North York Moors DSC_5830
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, growing among bilberry, Vaccinium myrtillus, Blakey Lane, north of Hutton le Hole, North York Moors DSC_5787
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, Blakey Lane, north of Hutton le Hole, North York Moors DSC_5832
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, frosted, Thetford Warren Lodge, Norfolk DSC_4408
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, frosted, Thetford Warren Lodge, Norfolk DSC_4410
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, Thetford Warren Lodge, Norfolk DSC_4409
Cladoniophile: A sea of lichen, Cladonia portentosa at night, by UV light, Thetford Warren Lodge, 13iii2009 DSC_0069
Cladoniophile: Lichen, Cladonia portentosa at night, by UV light, Thetford Warren Lodge, 13iii2009 DSC_0079
Cladoniophile: A sea of lichen, Cladonia portentosa at night, by UV light, Thetford Warren Lodge, 13iii2009 DSC_0070
Cladoniophile: Cladonia fimbriata + C. portentosa, Thetford Warren Lodge, 21xi2008 DSC_0099 edited cropped
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, Hatfield Moors, 20xii2008 DSC_0017
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, Thetford Warren Lodge, 22xi2008 DSC_0007 edited
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, Thetford Warren Lodge, 21xi2008 DSC_0032 edited cropped
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, Thetford Warren Lodge, Norfolk DSC_0103 edited
Cladoniophile: Cladonia gracilis, with C. portentosa behind, Thetford Warren Lodge, Norfolk DSC_0144 edited
Cladoniophile: Red Pixie-cup Lichen Cladonia diversa, Thetford Warren Lodge, Norfolk DSC_0125 edited cropped
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, moors and rocks 6 miles south-east of Otterburn, Northumberland DSC_8276
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, moors and rocks 6 miles south-east of Otterburn, Northumberland DSC_8277
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, disused colliery spoil heap, overlooking Thorne Moors, south Yorkshire DSC_0166
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, disused colliery spoil heap, overlooking Thorne Moors, south Yorkshire DSC_0167
Cladoniophile: Cladonia portentosa, disused colliery spoil heap, overlooking Thorne Moors, south Yorkshire DSC_0168 crop