Cladoniophile: Conch: 6 images Pyramid weighted average, Pyramid stack 16iv 2011 New-Out99976 cropped
Cladoniophile: Trilobite: 6 images pyramid stacked 16iv2011 New-Out99978
Cladoniophile: Grape-hyacinth, Muscari: 5 images pyramid stack 16iv2011 99990_New-Out99980
Cladoniophile: Tulip, 5 images Pyramid Weighted Average[1,0,1] New-Out99983-
Cladoniophile: Sorbus aria leaf, 8 images pyramid stacked New-Out99966
Cladoniophile: Archangel 7 images Pyramid weighted average 16iv2011 _New-Out99968
Cladoniophile: Fly: 4 images pyramid weighted, stack New-Out99969
Cladoniophile: Strawberry snail, Trichia striolata, 6 images stacked 16iv2011 New-Out99998
Cladoniophile: Dandelion, 5 images Pyramid weighted, Pyramid stack 16iv2011 New-Out99973
Cladoniophile: Toothwort, Old Sulehay Forest, stack of 5 images, Pyramid stack, New-Out99999 cropped
Cladoniophile: Toothwort, Lathraea squamaria, Old Sulehay Forest, stack of 5 images, Pyramid stack, New-Out99999 cropped
Cladoniophile: Bluebells Od Sulehay Do Stack New-Out99997-Do Stack[1,0,1]_99991 cropped
Cladoniophile: Bluebells Old Sulehay 5 images stacked, all methods _New-Out99997-Do Stack[1,0,1] cropped
Cladoniophile: Old Sulehay Bluebells 4 images stacked Pyramid _New-Out99998 cropped
Cladoniophile: Carabus violaceus, stack of 16 images, pyramid 1 crop3
Cladoniophile: Tiger Beetle, Cicindela hybrida 16 stack basic 2
Cladoniophile: Elaphrus cupreus 2016-03-16 21-21-56 (B,Radius8,Smoothing4) ed1
Cladoniophile: Elaphrus cupreus elytra 2016-03-16 21-35-28 (B,Radius8,Smoothing4) ed1
Cladoniophile: Elaphrus cupreus 46 images 2016-03-16 21-51-35 (B,Radius8,Smoothing4) ed1
Cladoniophile: Myrmica schencki, Over Railway Cutting nature reserve, Cambridgeshire 2016-03-17 01-12-58 (B,Radius5,Smoothing4) ed6
Cladoniophile: Myrmica schencki, Over Railway Cutting nature reserve, Cambridgeshire 2016-03-17 01-12-58 (B,Radius5,Smoothing4) ed5
Cladoniophile: Myrmica schencki, Over Railway Cutting nature reserve, Cambridgeshire 2016-03-17 01-12-58 (B,Radius5,Smoothing4) ed4
Cladoniophile: Myrmica schencki, Over Railway Cutting nature reserve, Cambridgeshire 2016-03-17 01-12-58 (B,Radius5,Smoothing4) ed3
Cladoniophile: Myrmica schencki, Over Railway Cutting nature reserve, Cambridgeshire 2016-03-17 01-12-58 (B,Radius5,Smoothing4) ed2
Cladoniophile: Myrmica schencki, Over Railway Cutting nature reserve, Cambridgeshire 2016-03-17 01-15-43 (B,Radius5,Smoothing4) ed6
Cladoniophile: Myrmica schencki, Over Railway Cutting nature reserve, Cambridgeshire 2016-03-17 01-15-43 (B,Radius5,Smoothing4) ed5
Cladoniophile: Myrmica schencki, Over Railway Cutting nature reserve, Cambridgeshire 2016-03-17 01-15-43 (B,Radius5,Smoothing4) ed4
Cladoniophile: Myrmica schencki, Over Railway Cutting nature reserve, Cambridgeshire 2016-03-17 01-15-43 (B,Radius5,Smoothing4) ed3
Cladoniophile: Myrmica schencki, Over Railway Cutting nature reserve, Cambridgeshire 2016-03-17 01-15-43 (B,Radius5,Smoothing4) ed2