ckwright: Beer Bot...booting up.
ckwright: Boys and their toys.
ckwright: The Master and the Creation.
ckwright: The bomb range.
ckwright: The bomb range.
ckwright: Don't forget your ear protection.
ckwright: Oh Paul.
ckwright: The bomb range.
ckwright: Group Shot!
ckwright: I wonder what would happen if I pushed that button...
ckwright: Mike's famous dance.
ckwright: Mike's famous dance.
ckwright: I found it!
ckwright: The Maltese Falcon
ckwright: The Maltese Falcon
ckwright: Self Portrait
ckwright: Mike and Grant
ckwright: The boys.
ckwright: Paul (of Paul and Storm)
ckwright: Paul and Storm
ckwright: Paul and Storm
ckwright: Paul and Storm
ckwright: Beer Bot
ckwright: Beer Bot doesn't do stairs yet.
ckwright: Introducing Beer Bot
ckwright: Beer Bot
ckwright: Beer Bot give me beer!
ckwright: The bottle opening function needs work.
ckwright: A cold one.
ckwright: Looks promising.