ckwinny: the same picture
ckwinny: pine and 11th
ckwinny: in what I have done, in what I have failed to do
ckwinny: watching Woody Allen movies with Catalan subtitles
ckwinny: que la vida es curta i fragil.
ckwinny: trufes de xocolata
ckwinny: grounded
ckwinny: interiors
ckwinny: greensmear
ckwinny: interiors
ckwinny: sonuvabitch.
ckwinny: This flower is a __________.
ckwinny: future lamp base
ckwinny: wasa
ckwinny: teeth
ckwinny: propped up outside the office
ckwinny: ferny not-fern
ckwinny: photo.JPG
ckwinny: photo.JPG
ckwinny: helicopter top
ckwinny: photo.JPG
ckwinny: sissies rule
ckwinny: rain-pocked
ckwinny: photo.JPG
ckwinny: from the bus to work
ckwinny: the clouds, today
ckwinny: itty bitty plane
ckwinny: columbia tower, clouds
ckwinny: wearing the greenies
ckwinny: the rule of thirds