ckocur: Meeting Anne and Bob (England) Again
ckocur: dock on the bay
ckocur: ioverlander meetup
ckocur: All levels of overlanders
ckocur: raining in peru
ckocur: Lake Huanaimarca
ckocur: Crossing the Strait of Tiquina
ckocur: andean peaks
ckocur: Barge
ckocur: Look at you
ckocur: dayhike
ckocur: Isle del sol
ckocur: copacabana
ckocur: Mirador
ckocur: Illampu ?
ckocur: Illamani and the strait of tiquina
ckocur: Strait of Tiquina
ckocur: Morning catch
ckocur: Morningview over Lago Huanaimarca
ckocur: Time for Laundry
ckocur: Lake titicaca and the cordillera real
ckocur: arid
ckocur: break from the heat
ckocur: ruins on isle del sol
ckocur: beach site
ckocur: alter from above
ckocur: Jess and Chris on isle del sol
ckocur: alter
ckocur: Isle del sol, Bolivia