LPM: 163/365 Beating jetlag
LPM: 164/365 Hej där!
LPM: Never work with animals, children nor Swedes.
LPM: Pat
LPM: Feeding frenzy
LPM: Form a queue
LPM: Feeding two
LPM: A Swede on a stump
LPM: Cute over load
LPM: At the G
LPM: 184/365 in the pub
LPM: Anglerud travels
LPM: 190/365 Clasp
LPM: 191/365 Do the tourist
LPM: Coloured blurs
LPM: Great hall ceiling
LPM: 192/365 Blue beach
LPM: Coloured Blur
LPM: 264/365 Hello Rikard!
LPM: Breakie
LPM: 260/365 Cheeky
LPM: 258/365 Travelling on the Jub.
LPM: 255/365 Meerkats
LPM: 253/365 Stair way from the pits
LPM: Gotcha
LPM: Strolling
LPM: 196/365 Departure Gate
LPM: 195/365 a slightly public display of affection
LPM: 194/365 clink