cjPanda: Sunny Weekend!
cjPanda: Climb Over on the 30th floor
cjPanda: Stop
cjPanda: IMG_6529
cjPanda: hmmmmmm.....
cjPanda: in Solo
cjPanda: in Solo
cjPanda: hmmm
cjPanda: nonsense
cjPanda: 抠的不是鼻屎,是寂寞
cjPanda: 1990
cjPanda: 1992
cjPanda: Me.
cjPanda: Good morning sun
cjPanda: I like my jail pyjama trousers jaaja
cjPanda: One Nite in Nanjing夜游南京报告:换了一家等吃早饭
cjPanda: One Nite in Nanjing夜游南京报告:Miss Panda睡眼惺忪等吃早饭
cjPanda: ...
cjPanda: steal food in my friends' new flat
cjPanda: The instant film arrived~~
cjPanda: What's in the box, you know?
cjPanda: I get in!
cjPanda: small talk in front of a wall
cjPanda: Don't say a word
cjPanda: Move on some blue blue tone xD
cjPanda: with or without a plan