cj howitt: Symmetry
cj howitt: From the Northwest Corner
cj howitt: Blockhouse Viewed from the Southeast Rampart
cj howitt: Caponniere
cj howitt: Entrance
cj howitt: Fort Wellington
cj howitt: Inside the Caponniere
cj howitt: Latrines
cj howitt: Line of Defence
cj howitt: Officer's Quarters
cj howitt: Plan
cj howitt: Rampart, Stockade & Caponniere
cj howitt: Ramparts
cj howitt: Sentry Box
cj howitt: Standing on Guard
cj howitt: Stockade & Ditch
cj howitt: Stockade
cj howitt: Barracks Room
cj howitt: Cannon(24 or 32 pounder)
cj howitt: Carronade
cj howitt: Commanding Officer's Quarters
cj howitt: Field Gun
cj howitt: Guardroom
cj howitt: Mess Table
cj howitt: Mortars
cj howitt: Muskets
cj howitt: Officer's Dining Room:Office
cj howitt: Officers Kitchen
cj howitt: Sideboard
cj howitt: Standing on Guard